Chairwoman – Yaffa Vigodsky
Members of the Friends of Yiddishpiel association are those who see the preservation of Yiddish and its culture as a crucial objective.
Their moral identification with and material support of the cause contribute greatly to the nurturing of our glorious Jewish heritage and to strengthening the standing of the theater.
Secretary of Friends Association – Orna Don: 03-5254660 ext. 9 orna@yiddishpiel.co.il
Members of the Friends of Yiddishpiel Association
Diamond (15,000 ILS and up)
Brander Gerda and Yosef
Birenbaum Ester and Tzvika
Birenbaum Hadas and Yaniv
Kolitz Naomi and David
Platinum (5,000 ILS and up)
Bayda Michal and YosiBrosh Tami and Shraga*
Dominsky Prof. Shoshana and Gabi
Zanbar Bracha
Zandman Ruta
Last Ruti and Gabi*
Adv. Margalit Amir
Prashker Dalia and Yosi
Kez Nili and Israel
Shahar Sara
Gold (3,000 ILS and up)
Adir Yonah
Ofek Masha and Ilan
Ailin Sarah
Aloni Alba
Elkon Ester and Eliezer
Asaf Ruth and Avraham
Boxer Yocheved in memory of her husband Zvi OBM
Biran Gina and Dani
Blustein Shalom
Beniacar Theodora and Edmond
Bekenstein Edna and Arye
Bar Shlomo
Bar Tur Liora and Roni
Braf Batya
Brandes Jenny and Hanina
Berniker Dina*
Gedalia Doron
Goldberg Armand and Levy Chava
Golomb Adv. Ofira and Nachum –
(in memory of Miriam Rosenshine OBM,
Ester Rosenshine OBM,
Shoshanna and Sharga Golomb OBM)
Golus Chava and Moshe*
Gitter Beatriz
Gal Rachel and Gedalia*
Ganor Shula and Matti
Grofman Shlomo
Dr. Granot Varda and Israel
Haiman Uziela and Tom
Hirsh Ayala
Harel Avi*
Vigodsky Yaffa* and Hanoch
Vinter Shifra
Silberberg Sarah
Zilbermintz Mina and Yosef
Turnheim Batya and Yair
Taik Irona in memory of her husband David OBM*
Talmor Ahuva and Shmuel
kochavi Tami and Doron
Livnat Rachel and Avraham
Ladner Chaya and Robi
Lotan Rachel and Shaul
Levitt Hannah* and Giora
Lior Tzvia and Dani
Landau Dvora and Yishayahu
Lerner Roni
Mayer Nili and Shai
Madanes Shuki
Negris Gila and Beni
Nofech-Mozes Mimi and Yitzchak
Nitzan Yitzchak
Nikolayevski Reuven -in memory of his parents Pessia and Dov OBM
Samet Varda and Haim*
Zafran Ruth and Jorge
Society of Bessarabian Jews
Atzmon Tamar and Menachem
Potzer Tzila
Forer Roni and Shuki
Fishman Tova and Eliezer
Pel’ee-Neuhaus Tamar
Perluk Orna and Dr. Haim
Tzeder Yehuda
Tzeder Shula and Arik
Zimmerman Feiga and Rubin*
Tzipi in memory of Natalio
Dr. Tzemach Bracha* and Shmuel
Katzin Ronni
Prof. Reger Bracha
Rudich Tamar
Rozen Tami and Yaakov
Ribak Lea and Benny –
in memory of the parents Avraham Tzvi and Eta Ribak OBM
Schwartz Yaira and Amnon
Shteinmatz Fruma
Shtrauchler Bat-Sheva* and Neria
Shapira Techiya and Dr. Ehud
Shaked Shoshanna and Yishayahu
Tadmor Dov
Public Council Members
Founder of the Theater and First chairman of the Council – Lahat Shlomo (Chich) OBM
Founder and Honorary President – Shmuel Atzmon-Wircer
Chairman of the Public Council: Brosh Shraga
Deputy Chairman of the Public Council: Nathan Wolloch
Chairman of the Board of Directors: Last Gabi* Major General (RET)
Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors: Golos Moshe*
Berniker Dina*
Gill Zvi*
Gal Gedallya*
Prof. Dominsky Shoshana*
Harel Avi*
Vigodsky Yaffa*
Taik Irona*
Lewit Hanna*
Adv. Samet Haim*
Dr. Paserman-Yozepov Leah*
Zimmerman Rubin*
Dr. Tzemach Bracha *
Prof. Koren Dani*
Shtrauchler Bat Sheva*
Engler Ichezkel
Bodo Yaakov
Dr. Bitzur Avi
Ben-Meir Dov
Bar-On Israel
Wolloch Nathan
Warsha Avigdor
Zohar Miriam
Hermesh Shai
Treistman Israel
Neudorfer Rami
Finberg Pinhas
Chesler Chaim
Roichman Inna
Dr. Reich Avi
Shomer Arie
Tadmor Dov
(*=Member of the Board of Directors)
– Claims Conference
– I. L. Peretz Fund
– The Ted Arison Family Foundation
– Admond J.Safra Fund
– Azrieli Israel Fund
– Fund for the Cultivation of Yiddish Culture in memory of Mordechai (Miguel) Melichson OBM founded by Mrs. Etya Melichson OBM
– Moshkovitz Fund – by Mrs. Yaffa Israeli
– Poalim Fund for the Community
– Ohela Halevi Fund
– Buchman-Heyman Fund